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Clicker Communication App - (For Information Only)

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 Product Description

Clicker - A Voice for Everyone!   - Purchase it on the App Store

Clicker Communicator is the definitive AAC app that gives a voice to children and young people with speech and language challenges. This is the latest addition to Crick Software’s Clicker family, developed over 20 years and used worldwide.

The ready-made Vocabulary Sets are carefully constructed using color-coded, research-based core words - a proven approach for providing a rich communication experience and developing language skills. The three levels, Clicker Core 1, 2, and 3, cover a wide ability range and use consistent layouts to optimize motor-mapping and enable children to progress from one level to the next.


Clicker Communicator works in the same intuitive way as all the Clicker Apps, enabling you to meet the particular needs of your learners by editing the ready-made Vocabulary Sets or creating your own. Personalize every last detail by adding photos, colors, and topics, and repositioning cells. And you won’t find a faster way of searching and selecting symbols anywhere!


We’ve used our 20+ years of experience in developing special needs software to create an app that includes:

 • Easy to read Sassoon font

• Realistic children’s voices

• Child-friendly keyboard with symbol-supported predictor

• Research-based Vocabulary Sets at three levels

• Free curriculum-based Vocabulary Sets on LearningGrids



This app comes with the complete SymbolStix library. The Widgit and PCS libraries are also available as in-app purchases (please note that this is the only version of the app that enables you to purchase additional libraries). If you wish to ONLY use Widgit or PCS symbols, these versions of Clicker Communicator are available as separate apps in the App Store. Additional pictures are provided by the CrickPix library: 3,500 curriculum pictures to support a wide range of classroom topics.


Get your learners with speech challenges taking an active vocal part in the classroom. Our free LearningGrids resources provide the opportunity to respond to teaching points, participate in discussions, and ask and answer topic-based questions. These sets provide access to the vocabulary your learners will meet in their curriculum topics, and provide a natural link to literacy development.


Clicker Communicator has a wide range of accessibility options:

• SuperKeys – our unique access method for those who need big target areas. Just tap the cluster containing the symbol you want, and then tap the symbol in the enlarged cluster.

• No scrolling or swiping – so every tap is accepted.

• Switch access for one and two switches.

• Toolbars only visible when editing – all navigation is done from the grid.

• Favorite/Recent messages and Vocabulary Sets accessible with just two taps.


There’s a Backup Safe provided within the app, and Vocabulary Sets can be shared or backed up via email, AirDrop, Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, or WebDAV.


Based in the UK and US, Crick Software has a worldwide reputation for quality educational software for learners of all abilities, and we provide free support by email, phone and the Clicker Communicator Users Group on Facebook. Clicker Communicator is part of the Clicker Apps family – find more in the App Store by searching for Crick Software.

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