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Websites of Interest for Individuals with Special Needs and Their Caregivers

Websites of Interest for Individuals with Special Needs and Their Caregivers

Reaching Out To Families

Individuals with Special Needs and Their Caregivers

Office of Developmental Programs (ODP)

ODP is housed in the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare and offers a wide array of services and supports to families caring for a child or adult sibling with mental retardation.  Services include case management, mobility training, employment training and opportunities and adult day care.  Some services are available for funding under the Medicaid Home and Community Based Waiver Program.  dhs.pa.gov/provider/developmentalprograms/index.htm


Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR)

OVR, an office of the PA Department of Labor and Industry, assists Pennsylvanians with disabilties to secure and maintain employment and independence.  Under Individualized Services you will find information on job accommodation and assistive technology.  www.dli.state.pa.us


Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN)

PaTTAN is a program of the Pennsylvania Department of Education.  This website has a treasure trove of Pennsylvania-specific information regarding access to assistive technology for Pennsylvanians birth to 21.  www.pattan.net


PaTTAN Short Term Loan Program (STL)

STL is a library of assistive technology and resource materials available to local educational agencies (LEAs) for trial and evaluation.  The STL Program provides assistive technology and resource materials to educators, and provides LEAs with the tools to effectively assess and evaluate the assistive technology needs of students up to age 21.  www.pattan.net/category/Resources/Short%20Term%20Loan


Institute on Disabilities at Temple     

PIAT leads the Commonwealth's effort to implement the provisions of the Federal Assistive Technology Act of 1998 through device demonstrations, device loans, technical assistance and public awareness.  http://www.techowlpa.org


The Education Law Center (ELC)

ELC provides advice and direct legal representation in all educational issues affecting children including special education.  ELC publishes free manuals for parents on AT for Special Needs Children, The Right to Special Education in Pennsylvania, which explains the special education process, and Special Education for Charter Schools.  www.elc-pa.org














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