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Behavior Support

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 Product Description

Five Universal Principles of Positive Behavior Support

Objective:  Achieve productive, efficient, respectful classrooms.

Dr. Annemieke Golly's five universal principles for managing classroom conduct include:

  • Being Respectful
  • Modeling Behaviors
  • Having Clear Expectations
  • Maintaining Routines
  • Dealing with Chronic Misbehaviors

This book shows you how to implement these principles for positive results in the classroom.  Additionally, Dr. Golly shows you how to identify and work with two of the most serious issues of chronic behavior:  "attention seeking" and "escape and avoidance"  Case studies are provided for understanding and identifying chronic misbehaviors.

 Softbound book, 110 pages

Why Johnny Doesn't Behave

Objective:  Manage student conduct by teaching replacement behaviors for inappropriate conduct.

Writing better behavior intervention plans or BIPs is the objective of this book.  Drs. Barbara Bateman and Annemieke Golly provide 20 tips to help avoid behavior problems in the classroom, including:

  • Clear Classroom Expectations
  • Direct Teaching Expectations
  • Minimizing Attention for Minor Inappropriate Behaviors
  • Attending to Appropriate Behavior for Encouragement
  • A section on Functional Behavior Assessments (FBAs), and Behavioral Intervention Plans (BIPs), begin with an explanation of each and end with samples to instruct on writing your own.

Softbound book, 122 pages

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